Flourishing in nature’s image?
I want to connect people with the land! Whether that is to raise food themselves or connect them with people who do. This journey began when I read Gabe Brown’s book “Dirt to Soil” and heard of regenerative agriculture for one of the first times. Follow my exciting journey into Regenerative Agriculture!
I grew up farming but not everyone has that luxury! Anyone can learn to farm with the few simple principles that I would love to show you! It won’t be easy but you CAN do it. Follow along to learn about the glorious dance of nature that could change your life!
How can Regenerative Agriculture heal the world? What would it mean for peoples of earth to clean up our water ways? To restore lush green plant life in places that are currently barren? To create such a surplus of the wild variety of plants, fruits, nuts and animals that no one goes hungry and everyone has something to do? Want to learn more? Follow along as I reveal what I’ve learned!
I mention books and channels that have impacted me throughout my resources but here is a complete selection of places you can find so much knowledge you better be careful because it might change your life!