Ask anyone how the intricate circle of life came to be and they usually fall into two camps. Either an infinitely wise creator designed every piece of this incredibly vast and diverse system or this system evolved over billions of years to an amazing level of sophistication and interdependence! I’m not here to preach to you but I don’t personally see how something of nothing evolved to include billions of bacteria, microbes, earth worms, bugs and insects, mammals, that all work together to manage the dance of the ecosystem.
Either way you see it, the system is perfectly designed to balance and take care of it’s self. Whether it was God or evolution, the universe has an answer for just about everything!
Lets take flies for example. Modern farming says that all bugs need eradicated. I mean what purpose could they serve anyway? Well they have a very unique roll! They are natures garbage men. They lay their larvae into any rotting food source and within days have cleaned up the offending mass so that it cannot breed even more disease and infections. Even though this may be helpful there might be even better solutions. Who wants swarms of flies pestering you anyway?
Modern farms often treat for flies without asking any of the bigger questions. Such as: why are the flies pestering some cows more than others? Is the fly problem due to an unnatural habitat like standing in the knee deep poop of a commercial feed lot? Is it because the cow is lacking certain nutrients and her health is struggling? Think of your problems as guides pointing you toward a more harmonious existence with nature. I personally believe that God created flies and disease to take down the weakest of the animals so that only the strongest and best fitted would survive. In a world full of chemical fixes to every problem this may sound a bit far fetched but I believe it is so. One thing we need to do is stop saving all the animals or plants and by doing so we can breed healthier stock that can thrive without human intervention.
The first question to ask yourself is: Am I farming in natures image? What does nature do to solve this problem? Nature has dung beetles that have the ability actually roll bits of cow manure away and bury them in holes for their larvae. Nature has birds (like chickens) that will scratch through piles of dung looking for worms and insects. The answer is usually in more diverse forms of life and often new streams of revenue. Instead of purchasing chemicals to take care of flies, bring in chickens that can make additional profits while fixing your problems!